The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)

6-C Thursday. June 23. 1 988 Billings Gazette AA7 FURNISHED 0U MOBILE H0M34ENT 206 111 MEDICAL POSITIONS HARRIS3M We are one of the largest distributors of office products in the midwest wsoies and service locations in Montana, Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming. Due to product lines expansion, we have an immediate opening in Billings for a field service technician. Job requires strong electronics bock-ground.

Capital Business Systems. 455 Moore Lone, 259-7274, M-F High Tech, high volume col-lison repair focilitv needs energetic point prep-detail persons. Resume to: 1772 Sylvan Ln, Bigs Mt 59105 209 SALES POSITIONS ArtistCalligrapher looking for sales Reps to market gift items in 3 or more states. Catalog avail. 406-656-1772.

Electrical wholesale industrial salesman, outgoing personality, must be experienced and success oriented. Demanding position. no clock watchers. Relocate to Wyoming. Best electrical lines, good income potential.

Send resume to Box 111 M. co Billings Gazette. PO Box 2507, Billings MT 59103. Looking for 2 good salespeople, men or women, self-motivated 8, enthusiastic, apply in person at Arnlund's 8th A Central. Needed experienced radio salesperson, contact Don, KXXL Radio, 587-5995 or send resume to 1450 Kogy Blvd.

Bozeman, Mt 59715 215 CONSTRUCTION TRADES CAT Equipment Operator 235 Cat excavator (backhoe) exper. mandatory. GRADE CHECKER, exper mandatory. Do not call without exper. 714-7354442 The little ads in classified do a big selling job.

Call 657-1212 and place your ad today! 109 LOST A FOUND Found set of car keys on 10th Avenue Tues am, identify Claim. 252-2479 Found-boy's bicycle, 29th 4. Miles by the ditch, call to identify and claim 656-3380, 252-2413 Found-male dog. obout year old, black A white, vie 1300 6th Avenue N. 259-5432.

In Lockwood, FERRET, Coll 245-3063 FOUND. bunny wblk spots, vie 1st Grand, Call 259-8527 Found: Campers kit along MK CampgrndGlacier Lake Rd. Coll to identify, 656-4144 FOUND: cat that looks like Morris, Hgts at Yogurt Wave, coll 259-6455. FOUND: Puppy, 6-8 weeks. Call to identify: 248-4563.

Found: Set of Keys at WESTERN DAYS. Call to identify. 252-6888 FOUND: Vic N. 22nd St, Block 8, SMALL DOG. call 252-9127.

If you have Lost or Found a dog or cat please contact the Humane Society 252-3502 telephone service 8-8 daily If you have lost a dog or cat call the LOST PET HOTLINE, 24 HOURS PER DAY. CALL 657-8213 If you have lost or found a pet, please coil the Animal Welfare League, 1-5, 248-7308 Lost black female cat, Walter Rd A Barrett in Heights. 259-5389 leave message Lost gray white tiger striped spayed female cat, vie Casa Village, flea collar 656-1756 Lost small 1 year old male grey tabby cat, black sox, obnoxious meow, vie Broad-more In Heights 259-2280 Lost-5 mo old black Lab male puppy, black nylon collar, vie Drury Ln, 373-6116, or 373-6129 Lost. ..617 at Western Davs by Courthouse, blue cigo-rette case wkeys 8, bank cord. 657-5311 8-4pm, 656-9593 LOST.

mummy sleeping bag, 'Fisher' on corner, btwn Ryegate A Great Falls, Call 248-8006, REWARD LOST. bow cover for '83 Bayliner, vie Cooney Dam. Call 656-2351 Lost: Female toy Poodle mix, in Lockwood area. Coll 252-3071 LOST: Female Golden Retriever, vie Prospectors-Babco*ck. gray collar, lost 617, 259-1062 Anyone wishing to run a LOST or FOUND AD may do so for a maximum of three days AT NO COST.

Please limit your ad to three or four lines. Thank you. The Billings Gazette. Gazette Classifieds Turn Overstuffed Garages Into CASH MACHINES Call 657-1212 Today! I I I Many Subscribers I are now paying their GAZETTE CARRIER by using the handy Pay Envelope. It's easy for lust make your check payable to your Carrier (not the Gazette); endorse it for Deposit Only and put it at your door for The Carrier to pick up the next morning.

Or, of course, you may send by mail. Remember your Carrier Is an Independent Business Person and must make prompt collections 8. payments. "I3c77Ii autu HUGE 3 Bdrm dwntwn JIT $275, heatwtr pd, dining rm Alt HELP WANTED Lndry rm, appis. ALSO BjxsavaBBVawjsjaxsasBxsjBxexwj 2 248-6345 GPM Experienced 4-wheei drive Irg 2 bdrm tractor operator, thru fall wgar strg, seeding.

1-575-4440. 252-5040 or 259-5935 101 HAPPY ADS Call for "HAPPY AD" today! 657-1212 Happy Birthday, Jeri Malby, Love, Xhuck 103 AraNOUNCEMENTS Bianco-Bianco Cosmetology School is now offering complimentary haircuts with be-ginning students, 652-2700 Wanted: Ladies oges 18-30, to be Trophy presenters at Yellowstone Speedway. If interested. Call 373-5553 105 PERSONAL NOTICES TOKYO SAUNA SPECIAL HOLIDAY DISCOUNT ALL NEW ATTENDANTS Do something nice for vour body. Try one of the oldest forms of relaxation.

New Oriental Attendants Sauna-Massage-Steam Oriental Body shampoo WE NEVER CLOSE 1810 1st Ave North 252-2429 Visa Master Card American Express Card -Also- Springfield, MO. Psychic Counselor. Will help In any ft ail aspects of your lite. Call 307-675-0877. ST.

JUDE NOVENA May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be odored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St.

Jude help of the hopeless pray for us. Sav this prayer 9 times a day, by the 8th day your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. My prayer has been answered.

Carole 106 PEOPlf MEETING PEOPlf Send Replies To People Meeting People Ads To: Box (The Box In The Ad), co The Billings Gazette, P.O. Box 2507, Billings, MT 59103. Or the address listed in the ad. Is it really possible to meet someone worth meeting in classified ad? Join the growing ranks of singles using the classifieds each day to meet-friends. This new column was created for adults looking for new friends to go places and do things socially.

Whether it's a concert, dinner, hiking, skiing, chess or a game of racquetball. People Meeting People can put you in touch with someone in a safe confidential manner. Call Gazette Classifieds for information and costs at 657-1212 or watch for the order form in the classified section of the newspaper. 107 PUBUC NOTICES ADVERTISING ERRORS ADVERTISERS are requested to CHECK the FIRST appearance of classified ads for corrections. The Gazette will be responsible for ONLY THE FIRST incorrect wont ad insertion.

ANY ERRORS SHOULD BE REPORTED before NOON for correction the following day. OFFICE HOURS Weekdays 8 a.m.- p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m.-noon 657-1212 Classified Advertising closed Saturday Afternoons, Sundays 8, Holidays Call for "HAPPY AD" today! 657-1212 195 TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL 1 Way United Airlines Billings-Denver-Son Fron-cisco. 75, $85. call 656-0668.

197 RETIREMENT HOMES Adult foster care, licensed, exp aides by the day, wk or mo, or permanent residence; avail 75. 628-6495628-6407 200 HELP WANTED JANITORIAL. Exper A able to supervise, $1000 gas allow. 652-4990 Billings Employment Center Prof. Resume Service Phone 652-5533 A Montana based dry van carrier running 48 states has openings for a few good drivers.

Competitive pay. Paid vacation. Bonus programs. Health Life insurance. At least 1 year recent verifiable troctor trailer expr.

23 years of age. Clean MVR. Call Dale 1-800-548-2149 in Montana. 1-800 652-5225 out of Montana. 652-6630 local Aameo Transmission, re-bullder wanted, able to rebuild all type of automatic, rata req, benefits A salary doe, 248-2777.

Mike or Ron Apt mgr or maintenance In Gillette. HUD exp pref. Clean, quiet units. 2 Bdrm-f sal benefits. 415-961-1234 Auto body shop needs highly motivated person, refinish work-smoll do mage repair, must hove own tools, 652-5909 Avon Representatives needed! Daylite hrs mean more soles hrs! Lois-656-1496 Cashier A waitress wanted.

Apply In person 10am-3pm Tues, Wed 8. Thurs, Gold Nugget Casino-Grand. Cattin's Family Dining, a 24 hr full service restaurant is accepting applications for full A part time help. Openings for fry cooks, food servers, 8, hosts are avail, now 8. also for summer help.

Only those with exel appearance 8. high degree of integrity need apply. Non-smokers preferred. Apply in person 2525 1st Ave Christmas Around Tne World now hiring demonstrators. Party plan, free kits, no investment.

Call 248-1041 COLLECTIONS Professional collection agency needs 1 full time telephone collector. Fully automated, type 50 wpm, computer exper. helpful. Base Call 245-2040 Cook A prep cook positions. Refs req'd.

Apply in person 8-10Am Tues-Sat, 3011 1st Ave next to Rice Motors) Cook wanted, experience required, full time, revolving shift. Call 1-348-3729 COOKS Immediate opening in beautiful Yellowstone National Park for assistant cook in employee dining room. Room and board provided at nominal charge. Contact Hamilton Stores at 406-646-7325 or write PO Box 250, West Yellowstone MT 59758 COSMETOLOGIST Blanco Blanco, guar commission, training avail if wanted, 256-1234 Couple needed for local motel Mgr. Quarters salary.

Apply: Parkway Motel, 4808 Underpass Ave, 245-3044 Dependable sitter needed various days, no wknds. Have own transportation. 248-9312 Driver or lease purchase. 2 yr experience for flatbed; Midwest 8, west, 248-3694 DRIVERS NEEDED LAKE STATES TRUCKING, an established nationwide flatbed carrier, needs professional drivers for our expanding operations. WE CAN OFFER YOU: Well maintained late model equipment Spouse passenger program Four ochievabie bonuses Major medical Paid vacations Weekly pay settlements WE REQUIRE: Clean driving record 150,000 miles verifiable past references Drug A alcohol screening Call 1-800-338-5047 or 1-800- 548-9276 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN PROGRAM PROJECT COORDINATOR Pryor Public Schools, Emergeney Medical Training Program, la currently seeking applicants for the postlon of Project Coordinator.

This Is a six week position and salary will be based on education and experience. Successful applicants must possess the following qualifications: Minimum of three years of education In a post-secondary Institution (Health related study preferred) Ability to establish rapport and assist adults in training Be familiar with medical terminology Be Knowledgeable In American Indian culture Poaaess reliable transportation Preference will be given Indian applicants. Interested applicants should submit a resume and three letters of reference to Mr. John Tlete-ma, Superintendent- Pryor Public Schools, PO Box 46, Pryor MT 59066 before 4 pm July 1, 1988. Fo further Information Call Mr.

Tletema at 406-259-7329 Engine lathe operators 8. cylindrical grinder opera-tors, 307-674-4431 M-F Exp. Apollo trained commercial travel agent. For more details call 259-5541 Food Servers Needed. Apply In person between 4pm-6pm.

Miyollma Gardens. Full charge chef wfront mgmt exper, exerting new restaurant, Bozemon. Must be very exp, refs. 252-1212 HAIRDRESSERS Station for lease, 1 Part Time, A 1 Full Time. 248-5949 Heavy Haul DispatcherSolicitor.

Established financially stable company located in Missoula, MT has on opening for an experienced Heavy Haul Dispatcher. Duties include dispatching 8, soliciting freight for lowbov fleet which consists of both company equipment owner operators. Salary open. Send resume detailing your experience to: PO Box 9259, Mis- soulo, MT 59807 Infant care giver, Mon-Fri afternoons. Coll 248-1685 ext 217 for more informotlon 2J LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE Notice is hereby given that James H.

McForland, as Trustee, has received a declaration of default and demand for sale from the beneficiary. The Trustee will sell the real property herinafter described, at public auction, under the Small Tract Financing Act of Montana (Section 71-1-301. et. M.C.A.) Pursuant to the Small Tract Financing Act of Montana, the following information is provided: 1. Names Of The Grantors In The Trust Agreement: T.

D. Ritter. 2. Nome Of Successor To Grantor In The Trust Agreement: None. 3.

Name Of The Trustee In The Trust Agreement: American Title and Escrow, 1216 16th Street West, Alpine Villoge Suite 21, Billings, Montana. 4. Name Of Successor Trustee: James H. McFarland, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana whose address is Fort Harrison, Montana. 5.

Name Of The Beneficiary In The Trust Instrument: The Administrator of Veteran Affairs, whose post office address is Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C. 20420, and his successors in such office, as such. 6. Names Of Persons Having Lien Or Interest Of Record And Not Hereinbefore Specified: None. 7.

Legal Description Of The Property Described In The Trust Agreement: The Easterly 47' of Lots 21, 22, 23, 24 Block 194, of Town of Billings in the City of Billings, Yellowstone County, Montana, according to the official plat on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of said County, under Docum-net 16312. 8. The Recording Data On The Trust Instrument: Filed for record on October 2, 1984 at 3:26 o'clock P.M. and duly recorded in Book 1267, Pages 1953-1956 of the records of Yellowstone County, Montana. 9.

Present Record Owners Of Property Covered By The Trust Indenture: T. D. Ritter 10. Default For Which This Foreclosure Sole Is Made Consists Of: The monthly payments required under the terms of the Promissory Note and Trust Indenture have not been paid since the month of May, 1987, In the amount of $404.00. The loan is now ten months delinquent.

11. The Sum Owing On The Obligation Secured By The Trust Indenture Is As Follows: a. Principle balance due as of February 12, 1988, is $30,170.18. b. interest due as of February 12, 1988, is $3,357.42, plus dally Interest thereafter of $11.16.

c. Costs of foreclosure Incurred to date are a pre foreclosure title report costing $148.50, and property management fees of $64.10. Additional costs of sole such as filing and recording fees and other expenses not yet determined will be added as they are incurred. 12. Directions Of Beneficiary: The beneficiary has elected to accelerate the debt under the default claimed and directed in writing that the Trustee foreclose the Trust Indenture by advertisem*nt and sale of the property described for the satisfaction of this obligation.

13. Time Of Sale: The Sale will be held on Thursday, August 4, 1988, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time. 14. Place Of Sale: The Sale will be held at the front door of the Yellowstone County Courthouse, Billings, Montana.

15. Terms Of Sale: This is a public sale and any person except the undersigned Trustee, but particularly including the beneficiary, may bid at the Sale. The bid price must be paid in cash, and the conveyance of the premises shall be bv Trustee's Deed. The purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the tenth day following the Sale. 16.

Persons To Whom Sale Notice Moiled: T. D. Ritter, P.O. Box 30751, Billings, MT 59107; T. D.

Ritter, 3115 Third Avenue South, Bilings, MT 59101. Dated this 18th day of February, 1988. James H. McFarland, Trustee Veterans Administration Fort Harrison, MT 59636 STATE OF MONTANA County of Lewis A Clark On this 18th day of February, 1988, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared James H. McFarland, known to me to be the Trustee herinbefore specified and acknowledged to me that he had executed the same.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year herein first above written. Bonnie G. Rowe Notary Public For The State Of Montana Residing at Helena, Montana My Commission Expires 616,23,30 January 8, 1991 State Of Wisconsin Rock County Circuit Court, Branch VI IN RE the marriage of Diana L. Reintsma, Petitioner and Ronald L. Reintsma, Respondent.

SUMMONS CASE NO. 88 FJ 110 The State of Wisconsin, to sold Respondent: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Diana L. Reintsma, whose address is 617 Chestnut Street, Janes-vllle, Wl 53545, a demand for a copy of the petition within 40 days after June 23, 1988, exclusive of the date iust stated, and in case of your failure to do so, iudgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the petition. sDiana L. Reintsma, Petitioner 617 Chestnut Street, Janesville, Wl 53545 623,30,77 Rock County 195 TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL RETURN-DENVER TO BILLINGS, JUNE 30 AM VIA CONTINENTAL, $50; CALL 248-5081 Round trip tkt to anywhere in continental US, Alaska or Canada on Delta.

Leave between 622 8. 75-88 with open return, $500. 1-446-3313 199 SCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONS BILLINGS 1 259-70001 MT TOLL FREE 1-800-526-2601 1320 GRAND AVENUE, 111 Instructors 19 radio Financial LOST FOUND Lost: Gray Tiger striped kitten, 7 mo old. Scarred ears, shaved patch under bock right leg. by St Vs.

Needs medication. 252-6539259-6229 LOST: Male Siamese cat, approx 1 yr old, vie of Judith Ln, very friendly.wiil offer reward. 259-1543 or 252-9223 Lost: Orange tiger striped cat, big fluty tail, voc of Lake Hills Golf Course. Call 252-2504 or 252-7372 LOST: small block miniature Dachshund, male, answers to Ted', Heights, Fri nite, call 259-5011. Small white dog.

Oozes red tears, 619. Pic area by Steele BridgeS. Broadway Red Lodge. 446-2397259-9879657-2011. Rewardinfo.

Ill LEGAL NOTICES OFFICIAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that the following numbered bonds of the City of Billings, Montona, Special Improvement District, are hereby colled for payment at the office of the Finance Director in the City Hall, Billings, Montana, on July 1, 1988, and that all interest on said bonds will cease on that date: SPECIAL SERIAL IMPROVEMENT NUMBERS DISTRICT OF NUMBERS BONDS 966 160 977 96 978 216 thru 222 inclusive 982 91 988 156 thru 164 inclusive 989 254 ond 255 990 90 995 169 thru 173 inclusive 1013 92 1030 57 thru 59 inclusive 1031 408 thru 416 inclusive 1046 26 1065 82 1072 100 thru 102 inclusive 1074 87 and 88 1092 67 ond 68 1093 185 thru 187 Inclusive 1095...1001 thru 1033 Inclusive 1097 262 thru 278 inclusive 1101 186 thru 189 inclusive 1107 48 thru 81 inclusive 1108 85 thru 104 inclusive 1112 565 thru 582 inclusive 1125 25 thru 38 inclusive 1153 51 thru 112 inclusive 1157 64 thru 69 inclusive 1172 14 and 15 1173 59 and 60 1177 13 thru 15 inclusive 1182 204 thru 217 inclusive 1206 99 thru 109 Inclusive 1211 9 1215 21 and 22 1217 3 1218 1219 3 and 4 1220 54 thru 58 inclusive 1226 13 thru 16 inclusive 1236 3 thru 9 Inclusive 1240 28 thru 35 inclusive 1243 21 and 22 1246 2 1249 29 and 30 1251 6 1252 9 thru 17 inclusive 1259 15 thru 25 inclusive 1266 3 and 4 1268 223 thru 285 inclusive 1269 4 thru 6 Inclusive 1271 1 1276 14 and 15 1277 3 1278 1 thru 3 inclusive 850 (1985 Refunding Series) 278 thru 410 incl. 851 (1985 A Pooled Issue) 113 thru 169 incl. 852 (1985 Series) 48 thru 53 incl. 861 (1986 A Pooled 98 thru 108 Incl. 862 (1986 Pooled Issue) 19 thru 35 incl.

863 (1986 Sidewalk Pooled Issue) 20 thru 24 incl. 864 (1986 Pooled Issue) 10 thru 15 incl. 870 (1987 Refunding Series) 1 thru 104 incl. 871 (1987 Sidewalk Pooled Issue) 11 thru 16 incl. The following bonds have been previously called by the City of Billings and have not yet been redeemed: SPECIAL SERIAL IMPROVEMENT NUMBERS DISTRICT OF NUMBERS BONDS 988 152 thru 155 inclusive 995 166 thru 168 inclusive 1116 22, 64, 80 and 84 1046 25 1087 33 1136 180 1138 27, 34 and 35 1142 510, 511, 547, 549, 574 and 582 thru 585 inclusive '69 Buick LeSabre '77 American Motors Matador 73 Plymouth Fury 70 Otdsmobile 2 Door 76 Oidsmobile Toronado 74 Volkswagen Dasher 70 Chevrolet Caprice 74 Buick Electra 74 Plymouth Satellite 77 Ford LTD 73 Otdsmobile Toronado 75 Datsun 710 72 Mercury 4 Door 72 Ford Pinto 72 Chrysler 4 Door 72 Chevrolet Vega 71 Plymouth Fury 74 Ford Mustang '81 Plymouth 2 Door 75 Ford Granada '68 Chrysler 300 78 Oidsmobile Toronado '33 Ford Truck '41 Ford Pickup '36 Ford Pickup -MJ! Aereating, property cleanup, mowing-weed cutting-hedges PRO ROVER 245-0475 LAWN SPRINKLERS Automatic, Manual, Wells Pumps, Designing, Repairs free est-ref 245-6964 259-1486 We mow lawns! Good Service.

Edging, small bush removal. 259-6950 or 252-1048 PAINTING CONTRACTORS NTCARPENTRY Interiorexterior. Excellent references. 245-6964 Get It Done yrs exp, interexter. Free est.

10 Sr. discount. 248-5441 RETIREMENT HOMES WESTPARK VILLAGE RETIREMENT CENTER Call 652-4886 TREE SERVICE 2 Guvs Tree Service. Free est shrubs, trees hedges, triming A removal. 652-4101 Billings Tree Service, 10 vrs exper, 656-7530, 248-6035 WATER WELLS WATER WELLS 252-1034 109 LEGAL NOTICES 1146.86, 126 thru 128 Inclusive 1148 86 and 88 1160 94 and 97 1162 127 861 (1986 Pooled Issue) 92 DATED at Billings, Montana, this 16th day of June, 1988.

NATHAN R. TUBERGEN Director of Finance Administrative 623.30 Services recorded in Book 1265, Poges 89-92, as Instrument No. 1318424 in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellowstone County, Montana. 9. Present Record Owners Of Property Covered By The Trust Indenture: Duane S.

Anderson. 10. Default For Which This Foreclosure Sale Is Made Consists Of: The monthly payments required under the terms of the Promissory Note and Trust Indenture have not been paid since the month of September, 1987, in the amount of $472.00. The loan is now seven months delinquent. 11.

The Sum Owing On The Obligation Secured By The Trust Indenture Is As Follows: a. Principle balance due as of April 1, 1988, is $35,305.43. b. Interest due as Of April 1, 1988, is $3,185.19, plus daily interest thereafter of $13.06. c.

Costs of foreclosure incurred to date ore a pre foreclosure title report costing $167.20, and property management fees of $70.00. Additional costs of sale such as filing and recording fees and other expenses not yet determined will be added as they are incurred. 12. Directions Of Beneficiary: The beneficiary has elected to occelerote the debt under the default claimed and directed in writing that the Trustee foreclose the Trust Indenture by advertisem*nt and sale of the property described for the satisfaction of this obligation. 13.

Time Of Sale: The Sale will be held on Thursday, August 4, 1988, at the hour of 10:15 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time. 14. Place Of Sole: The Sale will be held at the front door of the Yellowstone County Courthouse, Billings, Montana. 15.

Terms Of Sale: This is a public sale and any person except the undersigned Trustee, but particularly including the beneficiary, may bid at the Sale. The bid price must be paid in cash, and the conveyance of the premises shall be by Trustee's Deed. The purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the tenth day following the Sale. 16. Persons To Whom Sale Notice Mailed: Duane S.

Anderson, 2034 Riverside Rood, Billings, MT 59101. Dated this 22nd day of March, 1988. James H. McFarland, Trustee Veterans Administration Fort Harrison, MT 59636 STATE OF MONTANA County of Lewis A Clark On this 22nd day of March, 1988, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in ond for the State of Montana, personally appeared James H. McFarland, known to me to be the Trustee herinbefore specified and acknowledged to me that he had executed the same.

In Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year herein first above written. Bonnie G. Rowe Notary Public For The State Of Montana Residing at Helena, Montana My Commission Expires 616,23,30 January 8. 1991 LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENT Agencies wishing to receive contributions in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) must submit an application by July 22. Most recent changes in federal regulations governing the CFC require agencies to submit an application for review prior to Inclusion in the campaign.

A committee of federal employees will review the applications according to specific criteria e.g. non profit status, governed by volunteer board of directors, fund raising expense less than 25, at least 20 of funding comes from voluntary contributions by general public, submission of annual audit, have substantial local presence, provide human health and welfare service, etc. Agencies wishing to apply may receive additional information by contacting the United Way office, P.O. Box 669, Billings, MT 59103, or coll 252-3839. 623 REQUEST FOR BIDS Central Wyoming College seeks bids on electronic musical equipment for the Arts Center Building.

Copies of bid specifications may be obtained from the college Business Office. Any questions should be directed to Robert Hussa, (307) 332-9450. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope which is clearly labeled "Electronic Musical Equipment" and must be sent to the Dean of Administration, Central Wyoming College, 2660 Peck Avenue, Riverton, Wyoming 82501. Only bids which reach the Dean of Administration by 1:30 p.m. on Monday, June 27, 1988 will be considered.

At that time, all bids received will be opened and read publicly. The Central Wyoming College Board of Trustees reserves the right to reiect any or all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bidding process. 622,23,24 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is hereby given that James H. McFarland, as Trustee, has received a declaration of default ond demand for sale from the beneficiary. The Trustee will sell the real property herinafter described, ot public auction, under the Small Tract Financing Act of Montana (Section 71-1-301, et.

MCA.) Pursuant to the Small Tract Financing Act of Montana, the following Information is provided: 1. Names Of The Grantors In The Trust Agreement: Duane S. Anderson. 2. Name Of Successor To Grantor In The Trust Agreement: None.

3. Name Of The Trustee In The Trust Agreement: Safeco Title Insurance Company of Idaho, 490 North 31st Street, Suite 101, Billings, Montana 59101. 4. Name Of Successor Trustee: James H. McFarland, an attorney licensed to practice law In the State of Montana, whose address Is Fort Harrison, Montana 59636.

5. Name Of The Beneficiary In The Trust Instrument: The Administrator of Veteran Affairs, whose post office address is Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C. 20420, and his successors in such office, as such. 6. Names Of Persons Having Lien Or Interest Of Record And Not Hereinbefore Specified: None.

7. Legal Description Of The Property Described In The Trust Agreement: That part of the Southeast Quarter Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 1 South, Range 26 East, of the principal meridian, in Yellowstone County, Montona, described as Tract of Certificate of Survey No. 567 in Lot 3 and Lot 10 of Willis Subdivision on file in the office of the Clerk ond Recorder of said County, under Document 502980. 8. The Recording Data On The Trust instrument: Filed for record on August 6, 1984 at 9:16 o'clock A.M.

and duly HELP WANTED HAIR STYLIST Position open at System Seven. Great lob opportunity with good benefits! Apply in person at all 3 locations. Large resort at Glacier Nat'l Park seeks the following positions: Deli Manager Kitchen Line Supervisor. Must have management exper. These ore year round positions w6 mos at Glacier 6 mos at Big Mountain Ski Resort.

Salary nego. Plese send resume to St. Mary Lodge, St Mary Mt 59417 Live-in housekeeper for elderly gentleman, nice location, must be reliable, own transportation. Call 8-4, Mon thru Fri, 252-65)2 Maior furniture needs reliable warehouse worker with chauffer's license. Reply to: Box 113, co Bigs Gazette, PO Bx 2507, Bigs mT 59103 MULTICHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS Learn to set up, operate mointain this equipment.

We train you. Over $600 per mo. to start, plus food, lodging A medical. Call SSG Mark Thuer at 245-8245 in Billings. Army.

Be All You Con Be. Nanny wanted for professional couple in New York City, 3 children-all school age. We live in a large town-house on quiet street. Nanny has own large private turn apt in house with kitchen and garden. In addition to room and board, there is a generous stipend for loving child core and light housekeeping.

Our current Montana nanny can provide information ond references on us, we need the same from you. We ask for a 1 year commitment and will provide 2 weeks vacation and airfare home at Christmas. Call collect 716-499-2672. Now taking applications for waitresses A bartenders. 1411 West 13th St.

Luckys Grand Casino. 1-3 Wed-Fri Over-the-rood drivers, must be 25 wclean driving record. Excel bnfts A pay. Call Mon-Frl, 1-800-332-5967 Part time cashier position, must be able to work flexible hours. Pick up application between 10 2 Wed A Thurs at Cenex Truck Stop, Lock-wood Interchange.

No phone colls. Professional receptassistant position. No exp req. Afternoons 5 days per week. Must enjoy working wpublic.

Please send resume to Box 115, co Bigs Gazette, PO Box 2507, Bigs MT 59103 Seamstress and counter work, part time afternoons. Apply Rhodo's Cleaners, 1212 Grand Ave, phone 259-1223 TRUCK DRIVERS Train as a Truck Driver one weekend a month two weeks a year. Earn over $80 per weekend to start. Tuition assistance if you qualify. Call SSG Mark Thuer at 245-8245 in Billings.

Army Reserve. Be All You Con Be. Truck Driver Wanted 9-axle Cozod low bed. Exper. mandatory.

Do not call with- out exper. 714-735-8442 Westend salon needs experienced hairstylist. Call Jackie 656-6400 201 OFFICE CLERICAL Full time secretarial position wbnfts, typing req, computer helpful. Send resume to Box 112, co Bigs Gazette PO Box 2507, Bigs MT 59103 Office Person Wanted. Must have computer exper.

General office duties, answering phones, record keeping, etc. Agricultural background helpful. Send resume to: Box 117, Billings Gazette, PO Box 2507, Billings, MT 59103. Receptionist for notional company; 10-key 8. bookkeeping a plus! Taking applications, at 1402 Central 202 PART TIME POSITIONS Mobile home park moint.

-exchange for mobile to live in. westend. 259-7104 RECEPTIONISTS Word perfect 4 weeks Temporary Connection 252-8430 205 PROFESSIONAL HELP WANTED Professional hairstylist-want to be own boss? Great downtown loc. Send resume to Box 582, Billings Mt 59103 Eastern Montana College Employment Opportunities 657-2116, 24 Hour Job Line Auditor III, Position 132, Dept. of Family Services, Helena.

Salary Grade 13. Plons for 8. conducts audits or parts of a complete audit. 50 travel is req. Contact local Job Serv-ice for details.

Closes 7188. Laramie CPA firm seeking staff accountant with 1-2 years public accounting experience. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to Simonsen, Mader, Blundell A Co. PC, Box 930, Laramie WY 82070.

One of Helena's fastest growing agencies. Livery Travel, wants top agent. Experienced in int'l, desiring career, salary generous profit shoring. Box 157, ottn Pat, Helena, Mt 59601. 206 MEDICAL POSITIONS LPN-RN Full or part time, Parkview Convalescent Care, 259-8000 DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL CARE UNIT Challenging opportunity in growing acute care hospital for RN with background in management of critical care nurislng.

Join this progressive health core team and receive excellent salary and benefits. CCRN required. BSN preferred. Contact Personnel Department, Samaritan Hospital, 801 East Wheeler Road, Mosses Lake, WA 98837. EOE.

Experienced dental assistant desiring to be part of the team in a progressive specialist's office; send resume to: Box 998, Blgs Gazette, Box 2507, Billings, Mt 59103. RN for muiti discipline surgery suite. Exper preferred but will consider training nurse with critical care background. Contact DON, Powell Hosital, Powell WY 82435, 307-754-2267 RN-LPN Part time positions open. Western Manor Nurs-Ing Home.

2115 Central Ave. RNs 8, LPNs, immediate openings all shifts. Modern 80-bed long-term care facility, good hourly wage and benefits. Contact Mary Johnston, Park Manor, Rawlins WY, 307-324-2759 RT or CRTT for Respiratory Home Care. Patient evaluations.

Some home deliveries. Coll 248-1390 207 TECHNICAL POSITIONS Bozeman civil engineering design firm seeking permanent position for technical draftsmandesigner including field work. Motivated self-starter willing to assume responsible charge. Benefits provided. Send letter and resume to Box 114M, co Billings Gazette, PO Box 2507, Billings MT 59103.

Engine lathe operators A cylindrical grinder opero-tors, 307-674-4431 M-F 200 $185, small 2 bedroom. Clean, oir. See at 356 Foster 3. 252-8448. 256-3983 2 barm, quiet location, nice shode, very reasonable.

Call eves 6-9, 245-4598 2307 Lake Elmo, quiet court, 2 bdrm. wosherdryer. $225 dep gas. 245-6257 373-5886 Vj MO FREE RENT, 2 bdrm, all utils Pd, $265mo or $200 utils. coin-op Idry.

Days 245-2791, eves 259-9450 Our Ig 2 bdrm mobiles near Cnty MM have swamp coolers, $175, no pets. 259-8452 PRICED RIGHT! 2 bdrm optionol with wshrdryr. A elec 248-3691, eves-656-5806 308 PARTLY FURNISHED-RENT 2 bdrm. $195 to $265, low rent clean westend for good tenants. 259-7104.

252-2619 Cool, clean, extra nice, large 1 bdrm apt. Low rent. See to appreciate! Coll 248-1253 Extro clean, 1 bdrm duplex, 413 4th St. W. AppIs, coin Indrv, ht wtr pd, $275, Bob 657-9271 or 248-5099 309 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS-RENT VALUE Dollar for dollar, the best deal In town.

Check It out! Sparkling Irg 2 bdrm in super mid-town loc like new cond, plush carpeting A draperies, spacious bright kit appis. deluxe bath, air, att gar opener, lots of strg. waik In closet, quiet adult complex. No pels $375; 656-3847 DUPLEX APT. 2 618 Ave F.

656-2754 RIMROCK MALL AREA $250 or $275. 1 Bdrm, Lndry, Garage. 656-1234, 656-4231 SPARKLING 1 Bdrms Air Cond. Appis Carpet, lndry. Heatwtr pd.

248-5472 252-9898 Gates Mgmt Why rent? 2-3 bdrm mobiles, westend. Buy like rent, move in 259-7104 CENTRAL AIR A fireplace, 2 245-8355, 259-5327 eves UNUSUAL 4-Plex WEST 2 Heatwtr FREE! Appis Dishwasher-balcony-lndry. 652-1280 248-6345 Gates Mgmt WONDERFUL 2 Bdrms-Wonderful price! crpt-oppls-AC-lndry-clean Fresh paint, Heatwtr pd 252-9898248-5472 Gates Mgmt LOVELY New CARPET! 2 Bdrms $280-1310. Appis AC, Indrv. Heatwtr pd.

259-8664256-5155 Gates M9mt I NEAR PARK I 2 bdrm, carpeted, lndry hkup, quiet neighborhood, $275 util. 6IIV3 Custer. Coll 652-4985, 259-5327 ALL UTIL PAID 2 bdrm, sgl level duplex, gar. not suitable for children. No pets.

$345. 4440 Frances. 656-1872 GREAT 3 Bdrm-2 bath Air Cond, crpt, appis, lndry Heatwtr poid 259-8664256-5155 Gates Mgmt WESTERN TOWERS' Immaculate effcvs1 bdrms, AC, oil utils pd. clean, quiet secured bldg, washing facils, prkg, adults, no pets. Fur- nunfurn, 259-5666 COLTON HEIGHTS APTS 12 Mo.

FREE RENT with 6 Mo. lease. 1 2 bdrm opts. S239UP. Lndry facilities, new crpt point, free heat! Inq 2011 24th St Apt 8 or 2321 Cohagen.

656-5995 $50 rebate on 1-2-3 bdrm apts, tram utils pd. Heights A westend, McDonald A Co, 252-6687 2 bdrm, new crpt, dropes, washerdryer, water paid, call 248-8230 1 bdrm main floor, clean A quiet, $250, all util pd. 1015 th St. W. 256-3405 1 bdrm-oright A clean! Gas A wtr pd, FREE lndry rm, walk downtown $225.

252-3321 1113 POLY DRIVE 3 bdrm apt, $450 mo. $150 dep. utils pd. No pets. Call 656-7605 or 248-5033 V4 BLOCK from Bob's Evergreen IGA.

Gas A water pd, large 1 level, 1 bdrm wcoln-op wosherdryer, $250 mo. Section 8 welcome. Please coll Clau-dine 248-1970 or 652-6765 Beautiful, very spacious 1 bdrm, ideal loc, $265 dep. UTILS PD. 259-7777 Clean A cozy 1 A 2 bdrm near dntownhosp, 252-9657, see ot 708 N.

26th 2 Clean apts, dose to college A hospitals, indrv facll, Call Bob 259-8411 COOL 2 bdrm doylight bsmt apt, garage, frpl, free lndry, remodeled $295. 246-2210, 9-5 Deluxe 2 bdrm, close to downtownhosp. Ht A wtr pd. Gar. Adults.

$375. 252-1344 FRASER TOWER Section 8 housing for elderly or handicapped, 1 bdrm apts, air cond, utils pd, Equal Housing Opportunity. Call Beth 2 52-3311 or 248-1525 HEIGHTS AREA GOOD LOCATION, SPACIOUS 2 BDRM APTS, FRPLCE, GAR, WD HKUPS, PATIO, DECK. $245 A Up, CALL 657-9001 Hgts deluxe 2 bdrm, fplc, elec garage, hot tub, lots ol doset space, all utils pd. Incl cable, except lights.

$350. Todd 259-2250. 248-5675 SOUTH FORTY APARTMENTS Westend Subsidized rent 30 of Annual Income. Elderly or Handicapped. Utilities paid.

New Apartments 656-3950 769 Fallow to Equo) Housng Opportunity 1 viinir vbi iiiriv. VILLAGE HAS IT ALL Nearly new spacious 1 2 bdrm. apt. decorated earth tone shades, plush carpets, oak cabinets, utility room with WD hookups, Adult Family areas. Starting at $289 FEATURING pool, sauna, hot tubs, fitness center, basketball, tennis playground.

OPEN HOUSE DAILY 10:00 a p.m. Shiloh A Monad 656-73366567924 SHERIFFS SALE 78 Datsun Pickup '77 Bukjk 4 Door '76 Chevrolet Hatchback 72 Dodge Pickup 78 Otdsmobile Sedan '73 Mazda RX2 '77 Renault R5 73 Mazda 2 Door 76 Ford Elite '53 Chevrolet Pickup 72FordT-Bird 76 Toyota 4 Door 78 Ford LTD '77 Plymouth Fury 73 Ford LTD 76 American Motors Matador 72 Chevrolet Caprice '66 Ford Galaxie '61 Renault Convertible 74 Chevrolet Camaro 76 Pontjac Hatchback 73 Volkswagen Bug 74 Ford Pinto 71 Plymouth Duster 75 Otdsmobile Station Wagon Responsible couple for lob on irrig farm, exp nec, house turn, refs req'd, 1-784-2216 301 FURNISHED APARTMENTS-RENT $165, 16 27th, gaswater pd. Mature adult. Inquire apt 2. 259-9396 or 259-0438, Jerry.

Mkfdleton Arms 707 31st, attrac 1 bdrm, Irg picture window, beam celling, parking avail, heatwtr pd, 248-3568 $260. 2 bdrm dup. oppl's, washer-dryer, air, no pets, 252-0066 2 bdrm by EMC $190utlls pd. Also, cozy Wes-tend-air cond, free lndry $219 AAA. 252-9779, 1739D Grand 2 bdrm duplex, convenient Wstnd.

All utils pd. $195. AAA-2S2-9779-1739D Grand All YOURS util pd Sleeping Rm-nice building. AC, Pvt bath, refrig, lndry 259-8664256-5155 Gates Mgmt $75 Up, 622 S. 31st, utils pd, mature adult, inquire apt 1, 252-1935 ask for Ed COZY 1 Bdrm Utils Paid.

Lovely windows. Near hosps. $220. Gates Mgmt 248-6345 Cute 1 bdrm, wallpaper, nice area, near EMC, no pets, $200, utils Pd, 259-7201 FREE RENT! Effic (own bath) 8. 1 bdrm, heatwtr pd-lndry-prkg.

$100 dep. 259-5709 Clean 1 Bdrm Westend utils pd except elec, sgls, no pets, $225 dep. 656-3541 Downtown Efficiency Apts. S7055 Professional 248-6688 Northside efficiency apts, close to town. S100-S1 10all utilities paid.

8029 Professional 248-6688 SUPER SHARP 1 large bdrm apt, all utils pd, air cond, near hosps, $295. 245-7733, eves 259-2343 LEE APARTMENTS Heatwtr pd, lndry fac, adults, no pets. $200 4 $175, dwntwn 252-6385. 252-4346eve $155 and up. Unique, historical Skyilte Studio, I bdrm apts.

Hot water pd. Across from park, off-street park- Ing. 602 22. 252-6527 850 LAKE ELMO. Clean 1.

bdrm, washing facilities, air, all utile pd. Adults, no pets. 259-2716, 656-3836 829 Avenue 1 bdrm, $225 elec. Suitable for 1 or 2 adults, small pet ok 656-0166 Nice westend 2 bdrm bsmt apt, $265; studio apt, 18 Lewis, $165; 245-8863245-3657 Cln Ig effic-sgls only-no pets $75 dep. utils Pd.

223 S. 27 A 301 32. 245-8863, 245-3657 2 bdrm apt, EMChosp area, $225, laundry, parking, no pets, call 253124. 2 Weeks Free Rent! STUDENTS 710 30th, 1 bdrm, 2 beds, utils pd except lites. References.

252-7337 2024 ALDERSON, dean 1 bdrm, washing fac. Adults. No Pets. Call 259-2716 1 2 bdrm, Northside, swim pool, hot tub, tennis ct avail, utlla pd, S225-S275, 652-1492 1 bdrm near EMC HOSP Ht 8. wtr pd.

$725. Laundry avoil. Coll 245-3899 1 bdrm, heat 8, water pd, $200 elec, call Showna, days 252-2299, eves 245-9058. 1 or 2 bdrm, util pd. Dep.

$75. Refs. Close in west. 656-4435 656-9350 Eiina Bachelor Unit downtown, util turn, parking. $195 8.

$295. 245-7903 $100 deposit. 2803 7th Ave N. CLEAN CHEERFUL 3 Rooms A Bath Bsmt Apt. Suitable for one.

345'; Miles. Clean carpeted, etf'y, close to dntown, all utils pd, $145 $80 dep. 252-0018 Cute, clean 1 bdrm bsmt apt, near downtn, heatwater pd, offst prkg, $180, 248-6576 eves Eff A 1 bdrm, util pd, dep. ref. 656-4435, 245-3986, 245-0310, 656-9350 Elina Eff.

Bach Apt. Lndry. Responsible adult only! $175 lites dep. 245-5249 Effy apt, near Hosp, clean, $90 $50 dep. Young work-ing man preferred.

245-0955 Large 1 bdrm bsmt, furnished, utils incl, $225 de-posit. Near Sr. High. 252-14)3 Lrg 1 bdrm, wests Ide, $225, utils pd except lights, off si prklng, wash facll, 252-7857 Nice 1 bdrm bsmt, near EMC hosp, all utils paid with cable, $250. Call 245-8035 Nice dean carpeted, 1 bdrm, close to dntowm all utils pd, dep.

252-0018 Small 2 bdrm house, walk Ing distance to dntown washing fadl, wtr pd, $260 dep. Call 252-3524 305 FURNISHED HOMES-RENT 1 Bdrm dose In, 1 or 2 adults, $200 oeposn, pd, no pets. 259-2 1 bdrm, yard, utils pd, good location, $225. $100 dep. Call 259-9760 75 American Motors Pacer YELLOWSTONE COUNTY VEHICLE GRAVEYARD Hesper Shiloh Road Saturday, June 25, 1988 Viewing A.M.

Auction Begins at 10:00 A.M. i CARPENTRY omnrAK LAWN I REMODELING CHILD CARE CARE Will do babysitting in my home, Lockwood area. Coll 248-1726 DRYWALL PLASTER CONTRACTORS stucco-drywall-spray glitter. Free Est. 248-8459 EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS ERV'S EXCAVATING backhoe-truck loading-haul-ing-footings-septic tanks (installed A pumped)-sewer lines installed.

252-1034 HOUSECLEANING Fast, Dependable House Cleaning. Will do special 8. 1 day jobs. 245-4430 QUICK, EFFICIENT HOUSECLEANING, $6.50 PER HOUR, CALL 248-7479 LANDSCAPING GARDENING WEEDS Vacant lot weed cutting Free estimote. 252-3701 EAGLE Landscaping.

Pwr roke-tllling-sodding-seeding- spring clean up 248-5667 SANDY TOPSOIL Gravel, fill dirt, dirt moving. Closed Sun 259-8635 Neibauer CONSTRUCTION Any size, new 8, remodel, 21 vrs in Bigs. Call 259-4644 for estimote DAN KORTAN Plastering, expert int. finishing wplas-ter or drywall, also Stucco, for the ext. 259-8741 Remodeling-room additions, garoges, painting intext, cement work, masonry, roofing.

652-5425 Able John CHILD CARE Montana Code 53-4-502 requires that those providing Child Care services on a regular basis be SRS Licensed or Registered. For your protection, please carefully determine the qualifications of your Child Care provider. All ages, my home, convenient location, Coll 252 1710 Babysitting Day or Night. Have opening for 3 more children. Call 656-3555 Babysitting, mv home, loc Willowbend Mobile Ct, on 32nd SI 1 King Ave, Call 656-5219 Infants: Reliable mother of 2 mo.

old of mv own. TLC for your Infant. M-F. 656-4314 LICENSED DAYCARE 6 vrs exp, pre school avail, summer activities-field trips, home atmosphere, full time openings, westend. 656-8646 Loving childcare in my home, hot meals.

West Park Plaza oreo, 252-5292 include top-rated Billings broadcasters professionally equipped TV studios aid available Job placement assistance Free catalog financial aid information BILLINGS, MT 59102 itVSCHOOLS If YjTmli Broadcasting. Business.

The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.