Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (2024)

Haxorus, The Axe Jaw Pokémon. They are kind but can be relentless when defending territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can cut steel.Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in hard armor. Its tusks are incredibly destructive. They can easily slice through a thick, sturdy steel column every time.


Haxorus is probably one of the best Pokemon brought to us by Generation 5. With an enormously high Attack stat and decent Speed, paired with excellent set up moves, Haxorus is quite the powerhouse and makes and can sweep teams pretty easily. However, Haxorus does have fairly frail Defenses, making it easier to revenge kill or do significant damage with a priority attack than many Pokemon. Haxorus also has problems with both types of hazards, not being weak to them but just being able to be hit by all of them. It also has a pretty basic typing, with not too many resistances, so can be easily damaged by quite a few common types. Haxorus does make up for this with a fairly large movepool, with many solid coverage moves that allow it to run a multitude of sets. Haxorus does fill its role quite well, being stronger than several Dragons and filling a mixture of roles. Also, don't forget the cool design. Never forget the cool design.


Rivalry: Attacking stats are boosted by 25% when the opponent is the same gender, and dropped by 25% if the opponent is the opposite gender. This ability can be useful on Haxorus, especially in battle simulators where the gender if often set to a particular one, meaning it is easy to get Haxorus the boost, but in the VGC and usual world, it's a bit unpredictable.
Mold Breaker: Haxorus' moves are not affected by the opponent's ability. This ability is excellent for getting around abilities such as Levitate, giving Haxorus ample opportunity to hit many opponents.
Unnerve: The opponent is unable to use a held Berry. This ability is situational to the extreme and is pretty much worthless on Haxorus, its other two abilities are much better choices.


Hax "R" Us

-Aqua Tail / Dragon Claw
Item Attached: Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SAtk) or Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

This set takes Haxorus' massive Attack and drives it to even higher levels. Outrage, with the STAB boost, is a devastating force, although it has to be used carefully as it can go very wrong if they still have a Steel type to take the brunt of its blows. Earthquake is very useful against several Levitate Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Gengar, as well as hitting quite a few Steel types without drawbacks. Superpower is a powerful coverage move that also hits Haxorus' main counters, the ever prevalent Steel types. The last slot depends on whether you need more coverage, or whether you want a way to hit with Dragon STAB without getting completely locked into Outrage. Aqua Tail is a very useful coverage move in Rain to hit, once again, Steel types as well as Pokemon like Landorus-Therian. As mentioned earlier, Dragon Claw acts as a more reliable Outrage, allowing you a much safer option for STAB. The choice between natures depends on whether you want even more power, or whether you want to outspeed Kyurem-B and most other Haxorus.

Haxorus > Skill

-Dragon Dance
-Earthquake / Low Kick
-Low Kick / Swords Dance / Taunt
Item Attached: Lum Berry / Yache Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SAtk) or Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

This set focuses on the first of the two boosting moves that Haxorus has; Dragon Dance. Dragon Dance boosts both Attack and Speed by one stage, giving Haxorus the ability to sweep through many teams without even being touched, especially as it obtains more boosts. Outrage is Haxorus' typical sweep-through-nearly-everything move, being able to KO pretty much anything that doesn't resist it. The choice between Earthquake and Low Kick depends on which Steel types you want to hit better, or more consistently, with heavier ones such as Ferrothorn taking more from Low Kick as well as hitting Skarmory, while Earthquake does consistent damage as well as hitting other Pokemon as well. The last slot is based on what you run. You obviously can't have Low Kick fill two moveslots, so only run Low Kick if you're using Earthquake (derp derp). Swords Dance enables you to run a Double Dance set, providing you with the option to either use one or the other, or even both. Taunt also enables you to stop other set up sweepers, as well as Pokemon that would try to cripple Haxorus with status. The choice for natures is the same as it usually is, more Attack or more Speed.

Nothing beats a Hax to the face

-Swords Dance
-Superpower / Low Kick
-Aqua Tail / Earthquake / Substitute
Item Attached: Life Orb / Fighting Gem / Lum Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker / Rivalry
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

This set focuses on the second of Haxorus' boosting moves, with Swords Dance making Haxorus almost impossible to be stopped. At +2, Outrage can 2HKO everything in OU excluding a couple of Steel types, which is a nearly unmatchable feat in OU, or any tier. Superpower or Low Kick provides the coverage needed to take down what Outrage can't, with Superpower being extremely powerful, especially with a boost from Fighting Gem behind it (if you use it). Low Kick is the alternative if you don't want to worry about the stat drops. The last slot is not only dependent on what sort of role you want Haxorus to fill, but also what sort of team you have. Aqua Tail is extremely useful on Rain teams, making Superpower / Fighting Gem not needed as it can hit all the Steels that Superpower would. Earthquake once again provides good coverage, hitting quite a few Pokemon for decent damage, especially at +2. Substitute is the final option, allowing Haxorus to shield itself while it sets up, avoiding damage as well as status conditions. The choice for item is simple. Life Orb is used if you want more overall power, at the cost of some recoil. Fighting Gem allows for Superpower to easily take out Steel types that would otherwise cause Haxorus trouble. Lum Berry cures status, including the confusion that comes from Outrage. The choice for abilities really depends on whether you use Earthquake or not, with Mold Breaker letting you hit Levitate Pokemon with it, while Rivalry can work on some servers with a set gender, giving you an Attack boost, though Mold Breaker is definitely the less risky option.

Other Options

Brick Break, Dragon Tail, Dual Chop, Hone Claws, Night Slash, Payback, Rock Slide, X-Scissor
Brick Break is another option for Fighting coverage if you don't like the drawbacks of Superpower and Low Kick, making for a much more reliable option.
Dragon Tail is an option for STAB that allows you to phaze out the opponent, and has the ability to work on more gimmicky sets.
Dual Chop is another STAB option that gives Haxorus the ability to break a Substitute and then still hit the opponent.
Hone Claws is a boosting move that boosts Attack as well as improving accuracy, helping out with moves like Aqua Tail, Dragon Tail, and several others.
Night Slash is an alternate coverage move, albeit not hitting too much that threatens Haxorus better than anything else it already has.
Payback is a similar option to Night Slash, although it does require the opponent to have gone first, meaning Haxorus has to take a hit. Unfortunately, Haxorus isn't the most bulky Pokemon, so this move isn't particularly practical.
Rock Slide allows for super effective hits on Flying types that otherwise avoid most of Haxorus' coverage moves (though it really isn't necessary since Outrage demolishes every Flying type except Skarmory, who doesn't take hardly any damage from Rock Slide.
X-Scissor is another alternative coverage option that falls into the category of "situational at best," so really, just use Outrage. It's pretty much all you need.

Double & Triple Battle Options

Haxorus essentially fills the same role in this format as it does in Singles. What makes Haxorus a possible threat, aside from the obvious Dragon-esque destruction, is the use of Earthquake. With a even a single Swords Dance boost, Earthquake could do massive damage to any Pokemon on the field. Of course that includes your own Pokemon, so it’s best to use a flying type or Protect / Detect the same turn.


As Haxorus is a potential sweeper, the best partners for it would be Pokemon that could eliminate any Steel type that is foolhardy enough to challenge the might of the Haxorus. Besides that, there isn't really a need for anything as Haxorus can rampage across teams on its own.

Countering Haxorus

LOL. Countering. Anyhow, some good checks for Haxorus are Steel types like Skarmory, who can not only wall Haxorus but also phaze it out so it doesn't keep its boosts, as well as other defensive Steels like Forretress and Ferrothorn. Managing to damage it with a faster Pokemon after something has died often works, and many revenge killers with a Choice Scarf (Keldeo, Terrakion, etc.) can usually get the job done, as well as Pokemon that are naturally faster than it is. The only problem with these is they really can't switch in, as Haxorus can often decimate them, so you'll need to be careful. Residual damage is also a good way to deal with Haxorus, as wearing it down over time with status and hazards often can make it easy to revenge kill. Pokemon with priority like Breloom and Scizor also can do well, but once again they have to be concerned with getting hit by a boosted attack..

Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (1)

Pre-Evolution Corner - Fraxure

This wall has a Fraxure

-Dragon Dance
-Low Kick
-Taunt / Substitute
Item Attached: Eviolite
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, - SpA)

Fraxure was one of those Pokemon to be blessed when BW2 came around. Before then, Fraxure’s movepool was pretty bad but BW2 gave Fraxure a lot more coverage, allowing it to be quite successful in the NeverUsed tier. This set is widely considered to be Fraxure’s most dangerous. Dragon Dance set up is here to make up for Fraxure’s not so good 67 base Speed stat and allow room for sweeping as well. Outrage is used as Fraxure’s main STAB attack with Low Kick being used for coverage against the Steel types that resist Dragon like Bastiodon and Metang. Taunt has great use with Fraxure due to the abundance of walls that can stall out its opponents like Alomomola with Toxic, Wish and Protect spam. Substitute can be used to allow Fraxure to set up easily but at the same time avoid possible Sucker Punches. Substitute really isn’t as necessary as Taunt because since Fraxure’s bulk and speed aren’t so great, the right opportunity to set up a sub would be very rare. Therefore, Taunt would be the better option. A Choice Band set could work well with Fraxure but it would have to switch out immediately afterward as Fraxure’s bulk isn’t great at all (though this is partially remedied by Eviolite). Plus, due to its speed, if Fraxure was to use Outrage, an opponent could just send in a faster Pokemon and take out Fraxure. If the Dragon Dance set was used, Fraxure could have set up a Dragon Dance or two to catch up in speed. So, the Dragon Dance set is the better option in this case. The Pokemon that best deal with Fraxure in NU are either 1) faster than it is, 2) named Piloswine, or 3) are massively Defensive like Alomomola.

Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (2)

Pre-Evolution Corner - Axew

3.I would Axew something, but you’re already dead.

-Dragon Dance
-Outrage / Dual Chop
-Aqua Tail
-Superpower / Dragon Claw / Dual Chop / Substitute / Protect
Item Attached: Eviolite
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 68 HP / 220 Atk / 220 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Speed, - Sp. Atk) / Adamant Nature (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)

Axew will destroy you if you don’t know it’s true power. It has a staggering 18 attack not boosted by nature, pretty good coverage thanks to the move tutors in Pokemon Black & White 2 and has one of the strongest STAB moves in the whole tier, and a steroid boosting move. One drawback to Axew is that it’s not as bulky as other Dragon-Types and it’s speed isn’t stellar, but it’s really easy to overcome those facts with Dragon Dancing. Dragon Dance is Axew’s key move, as it turns him into the tiny wrecking ball of a level 5 pokemon. Outrage hits extremely hard, but the confusion is a bit of a drawback, especially when Axew’s attack is very high. Dual Chop is basically like Dragon Claw, but hits twice to break Substitutes (not Sturdy, Mold Breaker negates Sturdy, and everyone seems to forget that) at the cost of only 90% accuracy. Aqua Tail is fantastic on coverage, hitting Steel-Types for neutral damage, Hippopotas, and other bulky pokemon without locking yourself into Outrage. Superpower hits Steel-Types super effectively, but drops Axew’s attack and defence, making sweeping harder. The aforementioned Dragon Claw / Dual Chop can be used here so Axew has a STAB move that doesn’t lock it into a possible devastating 3-turns of smacking pokemon. Substitute is great for baiting status moves like Will-o-Wisp and Thunder Wave. Protect is good when you need to scout or block certain moves like Fake Outs and Hi Jump Kicks. Eviolite brings Axews bulk up to a decent amount at least to take some hits with. The EV’s and natures’ maximizes Axew’s Attack and Speed with the extra going into HP, since it’s holding onto Eviolite. Jolly puts your speed up to ridiculous amounts, but Adamant lets you hit harder, while maintaining a solid 15 speed. After a Dragon Dance, 15 speed lets you hit 22 speed, which is enough to outspeed all unboosted pokemon and Choice Scarf Users with 14 speed. Jolly lets you hit 24 speed, which basically outspeed everything except a Choice Scarf user with 19+ speed. The main way to deal with Axew is bulky pokemon, status ailments and priority moves like Fake Out or Sucker Punch. If you don’t know what you're getting into against Axew, you’ll gonna have a bad time. Pray for a miracle if it gets 2 boosts.

Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (3)

Locations in Games

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Not in game

Evolve Fraxure

Black 2/White 2:
Evolve Fraxure

Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (4)

Animé Appearences

Haxorus has made a few appearances. Most notably, it was used by the Opelucid City Gym Leader Drayden in his battle .
#-English Episode Name--Jp. Episode Name-Pics
665 Dreams by the Yard Full Pics
668 The Bloom Is on Axew! Out of Control Scolipede! Rescue Axew!! Pics
695 Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster! Pics
708 Crisis From The Underground Up! High-Speed! Battle Subway! Part One Pics
761 A Village Homecoming! Iris, Return to Dragon Village! Pics
762 Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future! Opelucid Gym! Iris VS Drayden!! Pics
778 Team Plasma's Pokemon Manipulation! Team Plasma's Aspiration! The Manipulated Pokémon!! Pics
779 Secrets From Out of the Fog! N's Secret...Beyond the Fog! Pics
1154 Thrash of the Titans! Dragon Battle! Ash VS Iris!! Pics
1166 Excitement from the Ultra-Shocking Start! A Super-Electromagnetic Hyper Class Battle! Pics
1174 Battle Three with Bea! Rival Showdown! Ash VS Bea!! Pics
1192 The Future is Now, Thanks to Strategy! Pics
1193 Taking Two For The Team! Ultra Class! VS Elite Four Drasna! Pics
1206 The Fiery Road to Mastership! VS Cynthia! Iris' Road to Dragon Master Pics
1207 Battling as Hard as Stone! Ash Heads Into Battle! VS Steven!! Pics
1210 TBC The Climax Begins: Ash's Masters Tournament Experience Pics
1217 TBC Climax! The Night Before the Decisive Match: Ash VS Leon!! Pics
Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (5)
Pokémon of the Week - Haxorus (2024)


Is Haxorus Breaking Swipe or Dragon Claw better? ›

Dragon Tail deals high STAB damage and offers Dragon-type coverage, but sports only average energy gains. Breaking Swipe is an incredible Charged Attack - it Dragon Claw's STAB, decent damage and low cost, but also comes with a guaranteed Attack debuff. By extension, Dragon Claw is strictly inferior to Breaking Swipe.

Who is stronger, Garchomp or Haxorus? ›

My Garchomp has 182 Att and my Haxorus has 287 att. Thats a huge difference. If I use outrage on something with higher defense, I can't take it out with Garchomp but I can with Haxorus because it has way higher attack.

What's better Haxorus or dragonite? ›

Dragonite is more defensive and unpredictable at times because of a diverse moveset.. Haxorus is a full-force attacker, with good sweeping potential. If you can guarantee a set up with a DDance or 2, Haxorus will do you better by obliterating entire teams.

Why is Haxorus so good? ›

Haxorus functions mainly as a wallbreaker, using its sheer power to muscle through bulkier threats on bulky offense, balance, and stall teams.

Can Haxorus still learn Breaking Swipe? ›

If you evolve Fraxure—Axew's Evolution—during the event or up to five hours afterward, you'll get a Haxorus that knows the Charged Attack Breaking Swipe, a move that the Axe Jaw Pokémon was previously unable to learn.

What is Haxorus strongest move? ›

Summary. Haxorus is a Dragon Pokémon which evolves from Fraxure. It is vulnerable to Ice, Dragon and Fairy moves. Haxorus's strongest moveset is Dragon Tail & Dragon Claw and it has a Max CP of 3,593.

Is Haxorus or Salamence better? ›

Design-wise Haxorus > Salamence because Salamence is just an generic dragon whilst Haxorus has an Axe Jaw. Competitive wise, Salamence is obviously better due to having a usable SpA and 2 great abilities.

Is Hydreigon stronger than Haxorus? ›

You don't get hydreigon until lv 64. Haxorus also has more set up moves, although its movepool is more limited. If it's competetive, then it is a whole different story, but see if you need a phyiscal or special attacker more. Hydreigon is better, however Haxorus looks cooler in my opinion.

Is Haxorus better than Flygon? ›

Haxorus over Flygon in-game. Flygon is crazy weak without TMs, and even then, I'd still say Haxorus. Reuniclus, Jellicent and Gliscor should make short work of the fighting E4, where you might have problems resisting Fighting + Rock... Chinccino should out-speed all of the Fighting E4's pokes and KO with Tail Sweep.

What is the best Dragon type to power up in Pokemon go? ›

The best dragon type Pokémon: Rayquaza

Rayquaza is a powerful legendary Pokémon available in Pokémon Go. It also has a Mega Evolution for even more power, so collect Mega Energy and use it when you want to have an especially strong battle. Rayquaza is available from five-star Raid Battles.

Who can beat Haxorus? ›

The best Pokemon Go Haxorus counters are Mega Rayquaza, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Rayquaza, Mega Salamence, Shadow Salamence & Mega Gardevoir.

Is Haxorus or Tyranitar better? ›

Tyranitar if you want Rocks and some bulkier attacking. Mega can work. Haxorus if you want some sheer force. Use Life Orb.

Is Mega Haxorus a thing? ›

Haxorus is a Dragon-type Pokémon. It evolves from Fraxure starting at level 48. It is the final form of Axew. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Haxorus using the Haxorite.

Is tyrantrum better than Haxorus? ›

Tyrantrum may be bulkier, but has double the weaknesses that Haxorus does. Most importantly, Haxorus has higher attack and speed stats which are two of the most important factors for a Physical Sweeper. However, in the end it is of course your decision and practically every Pokémon shines in some situations.

Is Swords Dance better than Dragon Dance for Haxorus? ›

Swords Dance duplicates your attack. Dragon Dance makes your attack better by 1.5x, and does the same with your speed. Considering Haxorus's already massive attack stat, and it's less than stellar speed, I think DD is a better option.

Is Dragon Claw a good move? ›

It has a base power of 80 and an accuracy rating of ever-lovely 100 percent. Unlike most Dragon-type moves, it has no secondary effect. Sometimes, simplicity is a virtue. 80/100 is excellent, and Dragon Claw is learnable by a veritable ton of Pokemon.

Which move is better Dragon Claw or Dragon Rush? ›

Dragon Claw it is. I would say Dragon Claw, because the attack's going to be raised by swords dance anyways, and reliability is better. If you used Dragon Rush you could miss and faint. If you're using Dragon Claw, you would hit.

What is the best Moveset for Haxorus Master League? ›

The best moveset for an ML Haxorus is Counter/Dragon Tail paired with Breaking Swipe and Surf.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.